MDF Plain Square Base for Painting


  • Plain MDF Square?shape board?offers an unfinished wooden base with a quality surface.
  • Ideal for artwork: Acrylic paints, resin art, alcohol ink colors, dot Mandala, decoupage, and DIY activities; apply varnish for durability.
  • Hang the?plain MDF Square?shape base?by fixing the hanging strings on the back of the base.
  • The DIY plain base?is Highly durable & perfect for any DIY art and craft project.
  • These?DIY plain bases?are perfect for decoupage activities for kids, artists, makers of custom art, and instructors because they are so simple to paint.
  • Custom MDF wooden Square?shape cutouts?with a plain painting base are the best gifts for children and adults who enjoy making crafts.
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